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2002-10-24, 7:01 p.m.

Already Happy Cabeza is getting huge! I am starting to miss the projectile vomiting, projectile pooping and feeding her little self, watching her mouth open like a little baby bird. Tiny babies are so sweet and warm. I love how they fall asleep on your shoulder and you feel the little baby breath on your neck. I miss her getting mad and her little tiny face turning as red as a tomato when I gave her a bath. She hated the tiny bathtub I had for her.

She's already 16 months now. She has this tiny little bottom, skinny legs and a pooched out belly. This sounds awful, but she does resemble a starving Ethiopian. I'm afraid people are going to think I don't feed her, but she eats a ton, it just all seems to go to her tummy. She resembles her daddy actually. He was ready to hop in the shower and I asked him to bathe her while he was at it. I got her undressed and she was standing at the shower door, right next to her daddy, waiting to get in. I said "HEY Spousal, turn around so your rear faces me." which sounds a little perverse, but the comparison of their entire back half was pretty funny.


I wasn't going to write about the sniper, but I was truly surprised that some of the search for evidence was right in Tacoma, 40 miles or so away. I wonder what kept the suspects from shooting up the Seattle/Tacoma region. Don't want to think much about it.


I read an entry tonight that made me think of a story. I can't do it justice however, it goes like this:

A man comes home from work. His kids are playing out on the lawn, still in their pajamas. Dismayed, he walks into the house. It's in complete disaray. The kitchen still has dishes piled high in the sink, the dishwasher is hanging open and the breakfast dishes are still on the table. The living room is much worse. It looks as if someone came in and ransacked the house. Laundry is all over the couch and on the floor. The TV is blaring. A radio is on. A lamp is knocked over. He starts to panic. He runs into the family room to see his wife, in her pajamas, sitting on the couch reading. She looks at him and smiles sweetly and asks him how his day went. He manages to get out "What happened?!" She responds. "You know how you come home from work and ask me what I did all day?"

"Yes?" he answers, dismayed.

Her reply, "Well today, I didn't do it."

My first marriage SUCKED. I got my husband nit picking my every move from the moment he got home. It's very demeaning. You lose some of your self worth because you stay home all day with the child. Men don't realize how much time and energy a kid is. A stay at home parent is lucky to get a shower in. The observation the woman made is probably right on. The man is scared to take on so much responsibility. He doesn't want to do all the things the woman does. Yet he doesn't appreciate that she keeps the household running. It's a full time duty. 24 hours a day. If the kid wakes up, who gets up with them?

My now husband is a polar opposite of the person I chose to marry before. When I had the baby, I told him I would get up with her every night because he had to be fresh for work the next day. He said no, we would take turns because I had to be fresh for the kids as well.

What the?

You would've thought I was a deer in headlights, stunned for a good 5 minutes. What is he, an alien? I don't care, as long as he doesn't eat anyone.

***Note to self, remember Frangipani87.

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