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2002-10-30, 6:01 a.m.

Don't have much to say today. I do think it's cute that BooBoolulu takes everything away from the puppies that they grab off the floor. She says: "Puppeeeee's, pupeeeee's..."

They usually have a stuffed animal in their clutches and drag it like a dead person off in the corner. She'll grab it away and put it somewhere where they can't reach it. Like right this second there's a tug of war with a stuffed elephant. She's has now taken that away, only to drop it to take something else away from them.

I had an interesting conversation with my doctor about somatoform disorder which was kind of interesting. He said that it was found a couple of years ago that the brainwave for depression and pain go along the same route, so to speak. He explained in detail about the term somatoform disorder because the bitch face Rheumatologist used that term in her report. He wanted to make sure that if I read about it somewhere, I didn't think it was just something that was all in my head, so to speak. It may start with my head, but I'm not imagining things.

I dunno. Just stuff.

All parents ever need to know they can learn from the Oompa Loompa's on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

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