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Mold and shit

December 14, 2002, 8:02 PM

"Jessie, it's raining really hard outside, you need to put your coat on."

"Nooooo Aunnie Tanan, nooooo." Jessie the three year old, flails around as I try to stuff her into her coat.

"Jesssssie" Aunnie Tanan says a little more firmly "put......your.....(struggling with Jessie) coat.......ON!"


Jessie's hand met Aunnie Tanan's face.

I tried my best at looking pissed off at my niece, but I was really trying not to laugh. She had her defiant look but I won out! Woohoo! I'm the boss, I'm the boss!

Or so I think. You just watch, she'll get me. I'll be lying on my stomach on the floor and out of nowhere I'll have 50 lbs of 3 year old Jessie knocking the wind out of me. That kid is no delicate flower. She's a tank. Happy Head is pretty cautious around her as Jessie likes to pick up Happy Head by her melon.

No one in the neighborhood has brought in their garbage cans from the street. Even Seattle people don't want to go out in the rain at times. It was non stop yesterday. I thought many times of the people who moved into the house we moved out of last year. Did that just make sense? The basement flooded a lot. When I rained hard, it sounded like a babbling brook in the basement. It was scary. I thought for sure the foundation would cave in under us. Then there was that black mold situation.

Glad we're out of that. Jesus, I just read a bunch of last year entries. Kind of interesting.

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