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April 22, 2003, 1:25 PM

I knew this was going to happen.

I drove into PAWS and when getting out of my car, this dog got loose and was taking off. A woman yelled at me:

"Catch that DOG!

And I wasn't ready to run. I had my clogs on. I had my loose jeans on. And I ran after that sumabitch. Damn Husky. Running through yards. The other woman were running behind me. I felt like my butt was hittin the ground or something. Then of course Eric comes along in his car and gets out. The sumabitch stops for him. Of course.

So that wasn't what I knew was going to happen.

This is. I was passing through the cat room and stopped. Lana! LANA LANA CHANA MASALA! She was at PAWS. I took her out of the cage and Michelle was like "huh? What's going on?" and I said "IT'S MY CAT! SHE GOT OUT, SHE'S BEEN MISSING FOR 3 days now!!!" and Michelle was like "OMIGOD!" and I was like "OMIGOD!" and Eric came in and said "What the hell is goin' on here?" and I said "This is my cat and she's been missing for 3 days!" and Eric was like "OMIGAWD! I don't think that's ever happened where a volunteer finds their stray here!" and I proceeded to, like, talk baby talk to Lana Lana Chana Masala and she was all, like, licking my face. And stuff.

Ok, so now Lana Chana Masala is microchipped thanks to Eric. Eric also put a license on her and registered her nationally. Well, the microchip thing does that, but the collar chip does that too. AND they gave her a bunch of shots too. And flea-get-the-fuck-away medicine. Flea die-little-mother-fucker-die medicine.

So now she's back. And acting mad. I'm thinking "Hey, little hooker, I wasn't the one that took off!" and her thought bubble over her head is "Whatever, mom. I've been in a cage for two days and it's all your fault.

THE GIRLS WILL BE, LIKE, "OMIGOSH!" because they're not allowed to say "OMIGOD" because it's taking the Lord's name in vain.

Come on people, some things just stick with you.

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