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February 25, 2005, 10:48 PM

AW crud! Blurry picture, but you can see he's smiling.

This is a little clearer.

As for the previous list, I don't personally know people who don't like their kids. Sometimes I'm quite irritable with mine. But this guy across the way is always yelling at his kids. In a make-your-stomach-sick kind of way. Lee said he's been outside and heard him yelling inside the house.

That's what I was thinking about this morning making that list. Neighbor was outside having his girl back the truck up while he directed her. He yelled a couple of times to stop, which is reasonable as she's in the truck and it's a LOUD ass truck. Then in the same volume he throws open the door and screams "GET OUT!"

I'll hear people in the grocery store talking to their little kids in a NOT nice way. As in calling them "retard" or some other vile name. What is that? They don't even calm down when other people walk by. They don't seem to think twice about calling their kids terrible things.

Hey, I'm all for yelling at my kids, especially Cath right now because she's so mouthy and I just really need to ignore her, but on the whole I do like children, especially mine.

Another example would be reading some entries by Forty-plus and her son's girlfriend's parents. My word.


I was thinking I haven't had a blemish break out in a while and now I'm having zit problems on my chin. It's making me mad.

What's up with the Po*pe? I know he's very ill. But I will never understand why a man gets all that attention, as if he had a direct line to God. As if he were the son of God. I really mean no disrespect. It's just that however nice a man he probably is, there were a lot of things going on under him that were ignored and that also makes me mad.

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