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Half a bedroom used as storage.

December 30, 2008, 9:53 PM

Just as I suspected, something in the code in "older" that I didn't do right. Now they work! I don't know how to lump archives into their proper categories, but at least I see them all.

My friend came over and is in the process of helping me create a budget. It's rather exciting, really. I didn't pay attention to what was going on in the past, I just spent and assumed stuff. Seeing it on a computer program makes it real and that's what I need.

Lot's of stuff going on there and I'm relieved that's out of the way for now. I mean, we got most of it laid out. He's going to program excel to do nice things and then it'll be done.

To save money, spousal suggested that we get rid of the really new storage unit and use half of Gia's room for storage. Nothing says "Home" like having half your room taken up with crap. That did make me mad. Especially since 1/3 of the garage is taken up with his war game stuff. If the house were bigger, we wouldn't have the storage issue.

I'm not saying I want a big house, I'm saying this house was built for 2 people (in laws) and now there's 6 trying to live in it. The septic system can only hold so much water before the alarm goes off. Which means we're limited on how many showers and laundry we can do.

It's not bad to conserve water, I actually like that part of it. It's just hard because the rainy season (8 months out of the year here?) seems to make the alarm go off frequently. My mother in law has taken pity on us and takes the laundry to her house. They're on city water.

My father in law re married a really nice lady. Unfortunately they're gone for the next 3 months so here I am, in the sticks alone! It's not that bad, I do go to school on some of the weekends and know more people.

All the sudden I'm very tired. I'm still irritated about the bright idea of using her room as storage. I can't even imagine trying to live in a room like that. It's not at all Feng shui sounding, huh?

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