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October 14, 2003, 1:14 AM

Did you read yesterday's entry? Probably most didn't. And don't do it.

Today I slept until about noon thanks to spousal. I guess Boo was screaching something fierce, but I sure didn't hear her

Thanks, S, for calling and checking up on me.

I'm very very weak today. I'm having a hard time moving my legs.

My chicken's mass under her wing has increased in size instead of getting better as I had thought and I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow. I hope it's an infection they can lance and get rid of. I'm fearful that they'll want to euthinize her and I can't take that. I don't want her to suffer, but I can't let her be euthanized. I don't know what I'll do, so I'll worry about it tomorrow.

Still haven't heard about my job and S said no news is good news and he's right. Hearing too soon would be a bad thing. I did call and left a voicemail for one of the interviewers telling her that I appreciated the opportunity to be able to interview and I looked forward to hearing from them.

I hope.

We're thinking about moving. Most of the reason is we have a landlord who calls our utilities to make sure we're paying them. We do. We're late on some. I know she's had bad renters in the past. But we're not. We've never been late with a rent payment. Ok, one time. We sent it in plenty of time as per usual and the mail decided not to get there on time. It should have taken 1 day and it took 4. So it came a day late and yes she had us pay the $50 late charge. So anyway, spousal went to pay on our sewer yesterday and the woman said the landlord is constantly checking up on us. I don't like that. We went with a realty company the last house and the dude there was the nicest man. Never did any shit like that. Ever.

So anyway, I don't feel at ease at that house. I'm fearing that one little infraction of any kind...whatever she deems as an infraction and we'll be out on our rears. And we're good renters!!! That's the thing. She's just a controling person and I don't think a very good one at that. I don't like it that big brother is sending us nasty emails. I may be wrong on this, but spousal read her email and was like "Fuck you lady". The biggest thing is that she treats us like we're below her and we're good people.

There's quite a few houses out there in the Kenmore area and I'd rather live there anyway. King County. Don't know why. Just do.

It won't be right away. I have to see if I get this job. If I do, it'll happen in short succession.

We'll see. We always move around Xmas. So maybe we should wait on that.

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