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Potty Training

May 03, 2003, 7:53 PM

Sea Salt.

The Vegan/Vegetarian/Raw Foodist community swears by it. It's better than regular salt. Raw foodists use nothing else but sea salt.

Think about what's actually in the sea. Floating around. Fish. Fish poop. Dead fish. Dead bodies. Garbage. Human excrement. And we evaporate that into little salt crystals. Put it on our popcorn.

Which by the way is not raw food, but I did good today. I just took a 3 hour nap because my mind must be working overtime.

Jehovah's Witnesses.

I told someone yesterday I found it ironic that they, the Jehovah's Witnesses, were knocking on my door and left an "alert" pamphlet that said:

"Is Your Privacy In Danger?"

I'm not knocking the Jehovah's (no pun intended). It takes a lot of something to go around barging into people's lives knowing full well the response you'll get is less than positive.

We're watching Harry Potter for the 50th time or so.


Danielle Nicole, aka BooBoo, BooBoolulu, Happy Cabeza, Siesta Cabeza, Fiesta Cabeza, has used her potty chair.

She sat down the first time, wee wee'd a little and before she was done, she stood up and looked in her potty to see what had just happened. Then she got candy.


We put her jammies on her. She wanted more candy. I said she had to use her potty. She stripped off her clothes. She went potty. She got candy.

We put her jammies on her. She wanted more candy. I said she had to use her potty. She stripped off her clothes. (I'm sensing Deja Vu here). She went potty, ONLY this time she pooped. She got up. She peered into the potty. Quite clearly she said:


So then that was about it. She wee wee'd that time too. Now spousal went in to check on her. She has just stripped off her clothes and pee'd in her bed.

We're in for a long potty training haul.

The neighbors gave us some honey. I'm not eating it. Because. Last year the bee's swarmed all over the dead chicken. Uh huh. Disgusting.

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